Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008

I ain't down here for your Lovin

WOW. I go away for 1 week and it takes me another week just to start getting back to normal. *sigh* It's hard to adjust back to the busy busy of Toronto after so much relaxing!!!

sunrise at my folks cabin

Winnipeg Folk Fest

Winnipeg Folk Fest

I went to the Winnipeg Folk Festival for the first time in four years, (!) I had a great time it was nice to be back. It's one of those places that never really seems to change, just your perspective of it does. It used to seem like this big, giant festival, now it seems like a quaint family oriented affair....

I still have a shit load of pictures to sort through, bit of a daunting task but I'll get around to it eventually. I also ventured into RAW for the first time, so that should be fun to experience....

The show went great. Of course I was nervous since it was a home town show and all, but you know, I lived :) It was nice to see all the old friendly faces and some faces I hadn't seen in 'like forever'. Thank you all so much for coming out! I have some pictures kicking around somewhere... I'll probably eventually get to posting them.

but for now I must get some practicing in, then it's off to see WALL-E!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Salvation holdout central.

I'll get back into the swing of things soon....

Sunday, July 13, 2008

ahhhh vacation


So far things are going great, I'm working on shedding all the unnecessary stress and coagulated smog that's in my system. I've only been out of Toronto one day and all ready my hair looks and feels 100 times cleaner and softer.

I had the misfortune of watching 10000 BC on the plane ride, what a steaming pile of crap movie that is. I was happy to see the use of the terror birds and it was nice to see prehistoric animals in movies again, but other than that I cared nothing for the movie. I am a bit of a history nerd and it hurt to watch. I know some people argue that it's just supposed to be a fun movie & that one shouldn't get too riled up over the historical inaccuracies... but that's crap. This movie hurt my brain to watch.

On another note;

haha my first actual legit tickets! They are currently available for my show with Serena Postel on July 18th at Candor Books and Music 390-K Provencher Blvd, Winnipeg.

I won't be around much for the next few days as I'm off to the Folk Festival then off to the Cabin, but I will be back soon with what will most likely be a massive amount of pictures to share. until then....

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

kingdom of doom

Oh man! My tummy is hurting me.... not sure if I ate something wonky or if it was all the beer I drank last night combined with only 4 hours of sleep...

I went to the Cameron House last night, I finally saw Run With The Kittens play, they've only been playing every Tuesday night at the Cameron for the last 5 years.... MAN I'm lazy. I did however, very much enjoy it :) Audience Attendance suffered due to the fire across the street however. It was kind of sad (for the band) and kind of amusing how most of the audience cleared out of the building to rubberneck... (It wasn't a big blaze I believe they got it under control in a reasonable amount of time and no one was hurt) . I have no pics of the fire as I opted to stay inside, but there's a few pics here courtesy of ardenstreet on flickr.

I headed over to Gorilla Monsoons for the Tuesday night open jam around 1 or so. I wasn't dead set on playing due to the fact that I'd been drinking & it was all ready getting late, but I was coerced into going on stage. It's a good thing I was, I had a great time playing! I did however rock and roll the shit out of my hand. What the hell do I mean you ask? well I don't always use a pick, I like the sound of my thumb against the stings, I think it has a warmer sound. Apparently the calous that I used to have left me a little while ago and well, I ended up with this;

blood blister

can you see the fire trucks behind my thumb? haha.

blood blister

I'm such a lady!

Monday, July 7, 2008

hangover girl

playing other people's guitars....


Here are some fuzzy pics from the Gone Hollywood show on Sat!


The Bovine apparently has cider on tap, it's easy to forget that cider is not juice. I got drunk pretty fast...

needless to say, I had a bit of a hangover day today
laying in the grass again...

went to the East Beaches, walked around, laid in the grass & played some Frisbee...

Forgot to mention that I went to Sean Ward's Comic book release thing at the Silver Snail on Friday... I now have my very own signed copy of his new comic. jealous? I know you are. Now I just have to see him play sometime....

Saturday, July 5, 2008

long days and grey skies


ah ha

Went to the Harbourfront for Ladytron's free show. It was enjoyable, the sound could have been better but whatever it was free....

Probably going to the Bovine tonight to catch Gone Hollywood

I need a good, small camera, I don't always want to carry my D40 around...


This little guy was in the candle at our table the other day. Wee bit of a damper on our beer and nacho experience....The next day I saw a bird that had fallen out of the nest struggling away on the sidewalk. NOT PLEASANT. Good week for unpleasant things.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Go read a book.

Show is Done, Canada Day is Done, the countdown to vacation begins... (9 days!!) went to the Toronto City Roots Festival on Sat.
 clear creme sodaaimoo watches
While everyone else was enjoying the pride parade on Sunday, we took off to the island. The place was pretty empty, just what we needed. a little piece of peace and quiet.
little things
apparently I don't just play Frisbee, I dance while I play Frisbee Frisbeedance

The show went really well, Mr. Mitch Girio recorded the whole thing. I'm looking forward to hearing it! I'm definately going to post some of the tunes on the interweb and if I deem some of them worthy I might put together a little live EP... only time will tell.

Just relaxed today, watched Finding Nemo.... probably just going to watch some more TV and go to bed. I have no energy left.