Friday, June 29, 2012

NXNE..... part 2!

I caught the free Flaming Lips show @ Yonge and Dundas Square on the Saturday of the festival. I have no pics as I didn't feel like fighting with the crowd and all the food vendors (which were placed all around the square blocking sight lines) in order to get some shots. I also REALLY hate large crowds, so I just chilled off to the side of the stage and enjoyed my side view and the tunes. After the music was done and the crowds started to clear out a couple opportunistic buskers inspired a massive dance party amongst the crowd that wasn't quite ready to go home yet.....

Dancing in the Streets

Dancing in the Streets

Dancing in the Streets

Dancing in the Streets

Dancing in the Streets

Dancing in the Streets

I was scheduled to shoot a few more bands on Sat night. I was turned away from one show b/c the venue was @ capacity & the other band looked like it pained them to be playing NXNE.... so, on to Sunday!

Sunday was basically my favorite day of the festival. I did one thing and I did it well, the Hashtag Gallery Hangover BBQ!

A Friend In London

A Friend In London

A Friend In London

A Friend In London

A Friend In London

Hands And Teeth

Hands And Teeth

Hands And Teeth

Hands And Teeth

Hands And Teeth

Hands And Teeth

Hands And Teeth

Hands And Teeth











BBQ fun!

Hashtag Hangover BBQ

Hashtag Hangover BBQ

Hashtag Hangover BBQ

Hashtag Hangover BBQ

Hashtag Hangover BBQ

Hashtag Hangover BBQ

Hashtag Hangover BBQ

So much fun!! Can't wait for next year!! And of course, I can't wait for the next BBQ I stumble upon, though it will have a lot to live up to...

Sometimes, living in Toronto can be all right.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

NXNE... part 1

Last weekend was the NXNE festival here in Toronto & once again I shot for the festival!


I started my day off Thursday afternoon @ Lavish and Squalor for some afternoon rock n' roll courtesy of  The Coppertone

I'd seen The Coppertone once before about a year ago, back when it was just Amanda and a drummer. It was great to see/hear her with a full band, it really did her songs justice, fleshed 'em out, you know....

The Coppertone

The Coppertone

The Coppertone

The Coppertone

Then it was off to Sneaky Dee's for M for Montreal's NXNE showcase,

 I'd heard a lot about this band, but never got a chance to see them until now, super good.

Schomberg Fair

Schomberg Fair

Schomberg Fair

Schomberg Fair

Larry And His Flask
  I hadn't heard of this band until I got my NXNE schedule. Apparently I was in the dark, a bunch of people showed up and lost their shit for this band. Which was understandable because not only did they put on an amazing live show but their tunes were great.

Larry And His Flask

Larry And His Flask

Larry And His Flask

Larry And His Flask

Larry And His Flask

Larry And His Flask

And I topped my night off @ the Boat with the Lovely Killbots
  another band I keep hearing about and haven't had the chance to see yet....

The Lovelykillbots

The Lovelykillbots

The Lovelykillbots

more pics soon....!