Saturday, May 31, 2008


Is it just me, or is Morrissey starting to look like
Bruce Campbell??

Fear not, I made it out of the house last night, the lure of What Women Want and Strongbow was not that strong. I headed over to Rancho Relaxo to check out a couple of my friends bands... And its a good thing I did 'cause they were playing King Kong Lives on the bar TV! I would have continued not knowing that movie existed had I not left the house! From what I saw it looks pretty amazing, think I'm gonna have to rent it.

I'm currently listening to Aimee practice... no need for itunes today, not with the sweet sounds coming from the next room. My own personal concert. jealous?

I posted some more photos from Doors Open....
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library

Friday, May 30, 2008


For some reason I am sitting at home on a Friday night watching What Women Want. hahahahahha. I'm a nerd.

I'm gonna go out soon, I promise.

You swallow the shit that people say

went to the Matthew Good concert at Massey Hall last night...


I never seem to get good seats at Massey Hall... is there such a thing?? *sigh*. Well ok, the seat wasn't that bad, at least I could see what was going on on stage this time.... I was sitting in the Balcony, a step up from the Gallery (barf). I was right beside the speaker system so alot of the high end was cut off and I couldn't hear any of his banter, laaame. I imagine the only place worse to hear the show would be backstage... or outside.

click for larger size

The show was good though! Missed the first few songs 'cause I was rushing over after my photography class :( but on the upside I had my camera with me and was able to take a few shots before I was told that 'that kind of camera isn't allowed'. heh. My personal favorite moments? 99% of us is Failure and the 2 song solo acoustic second encore....

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Monday, May 26, 2008


Started writing a new song last night, of course I'm excited about it now... who knows if I'll be just as excited when I get back to it tonight...

Hit up Doors Open Toronto big time this past weekend, I missed out on it last year, I didn't even know about it until a few days after the event... needless to say I'm pretty glad I managed to notice it's existence this year. I went through the open doors of the lower bay subway station, Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, the archaeological services of toronto, a couple churches and the distillery district. Fotos to follow as usual...

Guess that's all for now Betches...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Come Down

And I

never thought I'd

hear another Gavin Rossdale song

but here it is...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Not gonna work for no soul suckin jerk

I wish.

currently I am at my 9-5... watching my soul slip slowly away ;)

It's not that bad...

I forgot to mention the Cure concert, I somehow managed to survive 3 hours of watching the Cure play live. It had been so long since we purchased the tickets I forgot where we were sitting, so I was pleasantly surprised to find out we had floor seats. I've never seen the Cure before, so I was a bit disappointed that the first time I saw them there was no keyboardist. For the majority of the show the lack of keyboards wasn't too much of a problem, but for some of the show it was. Now I'm not a huge fan, but it was still pretty obvious to me that parts of songs were missing, and it really took away from being able to enjoy the show.... oh and they made an attempt to play Lovecats, a sad and confused attempt. It was hard to tell if Robert Smith just didn't care if he got the lyrics right, or if he just forgot them. haha. Anyway, for all that it was actually a good show, and I got a T-Shirt!

Set list & other stuff...

Oh My Heart...

Oh My Heart

snapshot from the show at Graffiti's on May 7th/08


A couple friends and I went to the Clothing show a few weeks ago, did a bit of shopping & spent a bit too much money (well at least I did...). A few weeks later I got an email from one of the exhibitors telling me I've won a piece of their jewelery, Sweet victory! heh. See, I'm one of those people who insists on entering contests fully believing one day I will win something, generally as a rule, I don't... until now! I think the last time I won something I was in high school, so hopefully my luck has changed. ;)

The aforementioned little piece of glory is courtesy of My Belle Bijoux

here she be...
and here I am rockin it...
free necklace

Windin'ain't breezy.

Monday, May 12, 2008


Hung out with the parents this week, it was awesome. It's been a few years since they came out to Toronto to visit. Now I have to plan a trip out to visit them, to the peggers, but I'm trying to book a show & it just doesn't seem to be working for me this time around. blargh. I think the time of me organizing myself once again is slowly approaching....

The show on Wed was fun, I thought it went pretty well, played some new-ish stuff.. there's some pics kicking around somewhere, I'll post them eventually.

I took plenty of pics this week, so I'll be posting them on my flickr page shortly... once they're ready.

I'm going to see the Cure play on Thursday & I'm kinda scared. I've been hearing that they've been playing something close to 3 hour sets on this tour. haha. I don't know if I'll be able to stay awake the whole time! ;)

Lookin for something to do on Sat? check it out
Future Obscurities I'll be there......

I've been enjoying the new James CD as of late, you can check out some of their stuff Here. enjoy!

I should change the name of this blog to the rambling blog.... or maybe the random blog...

Friday, May 2, 2008


So much to do... so much sleep I'd rather be having....

the show at the Boat on Sunday was awesome :). I of course was a bit weirded out my the lack of microphone & any sound system, it was just us and our acoustics up there. All turned out well though, fret not. Lots of thank yous to Keith from the Hamilton Trading Co. for having us play & for hosting such an awesome weekly show. If you're interested in more amplificationless acoustic fun, Gather Round happens every Sunday night at the boat....

and of course thank you to Dave & Aimee for backing me up! everything just sounds so much more when you're around.

photo by Aimee Rochard

I've been passing my time with a biography on the band Blur called 3862Days, by Stuart Maconie. All in all a pretty decent book, lots of info on the band and the goings on in their lives through out their careers. However, I am a bit disappointed at the lack of info in regards to their actual music, there is very little behind the scenes in regards to the technical aspects of how the songs were made/created. For example, here is a quote from page 234; Another major change was that Street had acquired a new piece of hardware -'muso-ish to talk about but really useful' - that enabled him to sample loops and otherwise cut and paste entire sections of the band jamming.'....... uh huh.... and?? what kind of hardware?? guh, that's all he tells you... Kind of annoying and I just had to share that with someone... figured it might as well be you.