Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Oh My Heart...

Oh My Heart

snapshot from the show at Graffiti's on May 7th/08


A couple friends and I went to the Clothing show a few weeks ago, did a bit of shopping & spent a bit too much money (well at least I did...). A few weeks later I got an email from one of the exhibitors telling me I've won a piece of their jewelery, Sweet victory! heh. See, I'm one of those people who insists on entering contests fully believing one day I will win something, generally as a rule, I don't... until now! I think the last time I won something I was in high school, so hopefully my luck has changed. ;)

The aforementioned little piece of glory is courtesy of My Belle Bijoux

here she be...
and here I am rockin it...
free necklace

Windin'ain't breezy.

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